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Nurlaila Bandaso, 2023. “Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Think Talk Write
(TTW) terhadap Kemampuan Literasi Matematika Siswa Kelas VIII
SMP Pesantren Pembangunan Muhammadiyah Tana Toraja”. Skripsi
Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu
Keguruan Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palopo. Dibimbing oleh Nur
Rahmah dan Rosdiana.
Skripsi ini membahas tentang Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Think Talk
Write (TTW) terhadap Kemampuan Literasi Matematika Siswa Kelas VIII SMP
Pesantren Pembangunan Muhammadiyah Tana Toraja. Penelitian ini bertujuan
untuk mengetahui tingkat kemampuan literasi matematika sebelum dan sesudah
menggunakan model pembelajaran Think Talk Write (TTW), serta untuk
mengetahui apakah penerapan model pembelajaran Think Talk Write (TTW)
efektif terhadap kemampuan literasi matematika siswa kelas VIII di SMP
Pesantren Pembangunan Muhammadiyah Tana Toraja.
Jenis penelitian ini yaitu pre eksperimen design one group pretest-posttest
design. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan sampel
jenuh, dengan jumlah sampel 16 orang siswa. Data diperoleh melalui lembar tes
kemampuan literasi, lembar observasi aktivitas guru dan lembar aktivitas siswa
dan dokumentasi. Kemudian data dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan
statistik inferensial.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kemampuan literasi
matematika sebelum menggunakan model pembelajaran Think Talk Write (TTW)
siswa masih kurang dilihat dari kondisi siswa yang merasa bosan ketika belajar
matematika. Setelah menggunakan model pembelajaran Think Talk Write (TTW)
tingkat kemampuan literasi matematika siswa meningkat setelah melihat siswa
dapat berpartisipasi lebih efektif jika diberi kebebasan dalam berpikir, berbicara
dan menulis. Berdasarkan perhitungan menggunakan uji-t taraf signifikansi
, kriteria pengujian diperoleh 0,000 < 0,05 berada pada penolakan H0
sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran Think Talk
Write (TTW) efektif terhadap kemampuan literasi matematika siswa kelas VIII di
SMP Pesantren Pembangunan Muhammadiyah Tana Toraja.
Kata Kunci: Model Pembelajaran Think Talk Write (TTW), Kemampuan Literasi
Nurlaila Bandaso, 2023. "Application of Learning Model Think Talk Write
(TTW) on the Mathematical Literacy Ability of Class VIII Students at
the Muhammadiyah Development Islamic Boarding School in Tana
Toraja. Thesis of the Mathematics Education Study Program, Faculty
of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Palopo State Islamic Institute.
Supervised by Nur Rahmah and Rosdiana.
This thesis discusses the Application of Learning Model Think Talk Write
(TTW) on the Mathematical Literacy Ability of Class VIII Students at
Muhammadiyah Development Islamic Boarding School in Tana Toraja. This
research aims to determine the level of mathematical literacy ability using
conventional learning, and determine the level of mathematical literacy ability
after using the learning model Think Talk Write (TTW), as well as knowing the
application of learning model Think Talk Write (TTW) is effective on the
mathematical literacy skills of class VIII students at the Tana Toraja
Muhammadiyah Development Islamic Boarding School Middle School.
This type of research is pre-experimental design one group pretest-posttest
design. The sampling technique in this research used saturated samples, with a
sample size of 16 students. Data was obtained through literacy ability test sheets,
teacher activity observation sheets and student activity sheets and documentation.
Then the data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.
The results of this research show that the level of students' mathematical
literacy skills before using the Think Talk Write (TTW) learning model is still
lacking, seen from the condition of students who feel bored when learning
mathematics. After using the Think Talk Write (TTW) learning model, students'
levels of mathematical literacy increased after seeing that students could
participate more effectively if given the freedom to think, speak and write. Based
on calculations using the t-test with a significance level of α = 0.05, the test
criteria obtained were 0.000 < 0.05, which is in the rejection of H0, so it can be
concluded that the application of the Think Talk Write (TTW) learning model is
effective on the mathematical literacy abilities of class VIII students at Islamic
Boarding Schools. Development of Muhammadiyah Tana Toraja.
Keywords: Learning Model Think Talk Write (TTW), Mathematical Literacy
نورليلى بانداسو، 0202 “.ذٕف١ز َّٔارض َاٌرعٍُفىش َفٟ َاٌحذ٠س َٚاٌىراتح حٛي َاٌمذسج َعٍَٝ
اٌمشاءج َٚاٌىراتح َاٌش٠اض١ح ٌَذٜ َطالب َاٌصف َاٌصآِ َتّذسعح َاٌّحّذ٠ح َذأاَ
ٚذذس٠ة َاٌّع،ٓ١ٍّ َِعٙذ َتاٌٛتٛ َاإلعالِٟ َاٌحىِٟٛ. َإؽشاف َٛٔس َسحّحَ
حٛيَاٌمذسجَعٍَٝ فَٟاٌحذ٠سَٚاٌىراتح ذٕالؼَ٘زَٖاألطشٚححَذطث١كَّٔارضَاٌرعٍَُفىش
اٌمشاءج َٚاٌىراتح َاٌش٠اض١ح ٌَطالب َاٌصف َاٌصآِ َفٟ َاٌّذسعح َاٌذاخ١ٍح َاإلعال١ِح َاٌّحّذ٠حَ
فَٟاٌحذ٠سَٚاٌىراتح فَٟاٌحذ٠سَٚاٌىراتحَٚ،وزٌهَِعشفحَذطث١كَّٔارضَاٌرعٍَُفىش اٌرعٍَُفىش
فعاي َفٟ َِٙاساخ َاٌمشاءجَٚاٌىراتح َاٌش٠اض١ح ٌَطالب َاٌصف َاٌصآِ َفٟ َاٌّذسعح َاٌّرٛعطحَ
االخرثاسَاٌمثٍَٟٚاٌثعذَٞ ٘زاَإٌٛعََِٓاٌثحسََٛ٘ذصُ١ّ َِاَلثًَاٌرعش٠ثَٟذصُ١ّ
ٚاعرخذِدَذم١ٕحَأخزَاٌعٕ١اخَفَٟ٘زاَاٌثحسَعٕ١اخَِؾثعحَ،ح١سَتٍػَحعَُ ٌّ.عّٛعحَٚاحذج
اٌعٕ١ح 61َ طاٌثا. َذُ َاٌحصٛي َعٍٝ َاٌث١أاخ َِٓ َخالي َأٚساق َاخرثاس َاٌمذسج َعٍٝ َاٌمشاءجَ
ٚاٌىراتح، َٚأٚساقَِشالثحَٔؾاطَاٌّع،ٍُ َٚأٚساقَأٔؾطحَاٌطالبَٚاٌٛشائكََِٓٚ.شُ َذُ َذحًَ١ٍ
ح ظهش َ خائ ج هزا ان بحذ أٌ ي س خىي يهاساث ان قشاءة وان ك خاب ت
ان شي ا ض يت ق بم ا س خخذاو َ ًىرج ان خع هى ن ه خ ف ك يش وان خحذد وان ك خاب ت
ا ي ال يُخف ا ًا يخ يٍ انت انطالب انزيٍ ي عشوٌ بانًهم ُذ حعهى ن ذي ان طالب ل
انشياضياث. وبعذ اسخخذاو ًَىرج حعهى انخفكيش وانخحذد وانكخابت اسحف يسخىي يهاساث
انقشاءة وانكخابت انشياضيت نذي انطالب بعذ س يت أٌ انطالب يًكُهى انً اس ت ب كم أ ش
t خفكيش وانخحذد وانكخابت. بُا ء هً انحساباث باسخخذاو ا خباس عانيت را يُحىا شيت ان
ب ً س خىي دالن ت α = 50.0 اَ ج يعاي يش اال خ باس ان خي ح ى ان ح صىل
ه يها هي 000.0 > 50.0 وهي ي س ض H0 ن زن ك ي ً كٍ ا س خ ُ خاج أٌ
ح ط ب يق ح ع هى ان خ ف ك يش وان خحذد وان ك خاب ت ا ه يت ان ًُىرج ي ح ًُ يت
ان شي ا ض يت ن ذي ح الي يز ان صف ان ايٍ ب ان ًذس ست ان قذساث ان ًعش يت
ان ً خى سطت اإل سالي يت ان خ ًُىي ت ان ًحًذي ت ح اَ ا ح ىساجا.
اٌىٍّاخَاٌّفراح١حَّٛٔ:رضَاٌرعٍَُفىشَ،ذحذزَ،اورة اٌمذسجَعٍَٝاٌمشاءجَٚاٌىراتحَاٌش٠اض١ح
Item Type: | Thesis (Other) |
Subjects: | 500 Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Sains, dan matematika > 511.8 Matematika Model, Simulasi Matematika |
Divisions: | Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan > Program Studi S-1 Pendidikan Matematika |
Depositing User: | S.Ag Ilda Azizah |
Date Deposited: | 25 Mar 2024 05:57 |
Last Modified: | 25 Mar 2024 05:57 |
URI: | |
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